About us
EM&AI, the European M&A Institute, is a scientific collaboration network promoting research in the field of Mergers and Acquisitions.
It aims at fostering joint research initiatives and the scientific dialogue between M&A scholars in Europe.
The objective is to push forth empirical research to develop cutting-edge knowledge on M&A and to engage a dialogue with the business world and society.


​Promote research on M&A
Academic research on M&A has been blooming for decades. M&A scholars inquire all aspects of the M&A process and have accumulated a significant amount of scientific knowledge. Promoting this knowledge is a key objective of eM&Ai.

​Build an international network of M&A scholars
eM&Ai aims at fostering collaboration between M&A scholars to develop joint research projects.

​Bridge academia and practice
Our multinational team of experts accompanies companies in their domestic or international M&A endeavours. eM&Ai experts conduct large scale studies for companies engaged in M&A projects and organize events with the corporate worlds to share their science-based approach to the management of M&As.

​Foster collaboration at PhD level between leading European institutions
PhD candidates are the future of M&A research. eM&Ai aims at fostering scientific interactions between leading PhD programmes training PhD candidates with a focus on M&As.
Our Values
We value impactful and relevant academic research for practice, policy and society. We define ourselves as engaged scholars who conduct research in close interactions with stakeholders and who constantly foster a dialogue between academia and practice.
We value research integrity and are particularly mindful of ethical considerations in our partnerships with all our stakeholders.
We value diversity in research methods (quantitative methods, qualitative methods, mixed methods, experimental methods, social network analysis…) to better grasp the complexity of M&As.
The team
eM&Ai Founding Members

Duncan Angwin MA (Hons), PGCE, M.Phil., MBA, PhD, is Dean of Nottingham University Business School and Professor in Strategic Management. Previously he was a senior investment banker advising on international Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and was involved in some of the largest deals in the world. Duncan is best known for his research into Mergers and Acquisitions and has published over 50 peer reviewed journal articles which push the boundaries of M&A understanding. He has also authored many books on strategic management and M&A. Duncan is active in M& A executive education and corporate advice.
See http://www.duncanangwin.com for further information.
Professor of Strategic Management
University of Nottingham Business School (UK)

Florian BAUER
Professor of Strategy
University of Bristol (UK)
Florian holds the Chair in Strategy at the University of Bristol. Florian investigates organizational transformation processes, especially non-organic growth strategies such as Mergers and Acquisitions, from a strategic, organizational, and procedural perspective. His research has been published in outlets such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, Group and Organization Management, and others. He regularly exchanges with executives, consultants, and M&A associations. Since February 2020 he is editor in chief of the M&A Review. Furthermore, he is co-founder and chief research officer of MADiscover GmbH (www.madiscover.com), a start-up company that digitalised M&A screening.

Professor of Strategy
HEC Lausanne (Switzerland)
PhD in Business Administration (Minnesota), Xavier is currently a full professor of Strategy at the University of Lausanne. He was previously on the faculty of ESADE and HEC Paris. He teaches and does research on corporate governance, strategy and development, as well as innovation and organizational design, publishing at top journals (Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management, and Strategic Management Journal). He is very active in the scientific community, having had leadership roles at AOM, EURAM and SMS. He is currently the president of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM). He also consults for different organizations and has appeared in major international and national outlets (FT, Forbes, Le temps, and NZZ). He is also active in social media.

Professor of Strategic Management
BI Norwegian Business School (Norway)
Helene Loe Colman is a Professor in Strategic Management at BI Norwegian Business School. Prior to pursuing an academic career, she worked as a management consultant. Her research addresses mergers and acquisitions, international strategy implementation, and organizational identity. Helene Loe Colman’s current projects include a study examining the acquisition capabilities of serial acquirers. Her research has been published in e.g., Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Long Range Planning and Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Nicola MIRC
Professor of Strategic Management
Toulouse School of Management (France)
Nicola Mirc holds a PhD in Economics and Business from Ecole Polytechnique in France and is Professor of Strategy at Toulouse School of Management (University of Toulouse, CNRS, France). Her research interests lie in the study of post-acquisition integration and innovation management. Her work addresses in particular the dynamics of social structures and relations underlying synergy creation and knowledge transfer processes in innovation- and knowledge intensive sectors. Her research has been published in journals such as Research Policy, Human Relations, European Management Review and the Scandinavian Journal of Management.

Professor of Strategic Management
Toulouse School of Management (France)
Audrey Rouziès is Professor of Strategic Management. Her work focuses on the management of mergers and acquisitions, more specifically on the organisational and human issues involved in the implementation of these operations. Audrey Rouziès uses qualitative and mixed methods, preferably longitudinal, to understand the research areas she studies. Her research has been published notably in Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, International Management Review, International Studies of Management and Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Management and Thunderbird International Business Review.
eM&Ai project team

eM&Ai Event Manager
eM&Ai Social Media Manager
eM&Ai Webmaster
eM&Ai Chief Project Manager

eM&Ai Affiliate Members

Jaideep (Jay) Anand
Professor of Strategy at Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University (US)
Jaideep (Jay) Anand is the William H. Davis Chair and Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Strategy at the Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. He is also the Academic Director of the Center for Innovation Strategies. His interests include corporate growth, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures & strategic alliances, global strategy and strategy implementation. He regularly consults and conducts executive education programs with companies all over the world. He has worked in more than a dozen countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. anand.18@osu.edu

Olivier Bertrand
Professor of Strategy and International Business, Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil)
Dr. Olivier Bertrand is a full professor of Strategy at FGV/EBAPE. His research interests center on international strategic issues related to mergers and acquisitions, multinationals, international trade, emerging countries (in particular Brazil and Russia), or for instance innovation. His articles are published or forthcoming in leading journals in management (such as Academy of Management Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Harvard Business Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal) and economics (such as the Canadian Journal of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics or Journal of Economics and Management Strategy).

Marie-Ann Betschinger
Associate Professor of Strategy, HEC Montreal (Canada)
Marie-Ann Betschinger is an Associate Professor in Strategy at HEC Montreal. Her research and teaching focuses on corporate and international strategy, specifically M&A. Her work has appeared in the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Global Strategy Journal, among others, and has been published in broader audience outlets such as the Harvard Business Review France. marie-ann.betschinger@hec

Joseph Clougherty
Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois (US)
Joseph Clougherty is Professor of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He was previously Senior Research Fellow at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), and faculty member at Tilburg University. He holds a PhD from the University of Southern California, and completed dissertation research as a Fulbright Fellow at the University of British Columbia. Among other journals, he has published in Canadian Journal of Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Research Methods and Strategic Management Journal. His research interests are interdisciplinary (combining management, industrial organization, and political economy) and international in both scope and nature. He employs an applied economics approach to research questions in both business and economics, and much of his research attempts to understand the antecedents and consequences of M&A activity. jaclough@illinois.edu

Johanna Deperi
Research Economist, University of Brescia (Italy) and SKEMA Business School (France)
Johanna Deperi is a Research Economist at l’Università degli Studi di Brescia and SKEMA BS. Her research focuses on the industrial dynamics of the digital sector and the determinants of digital firms’ acquisition behaviour. She also has a strong interest in topics related to artificial intelligence, digitalization and the green transition. She is a research member of the European Research Council Project entitled Disruptive Digitalization for Decarbonization (2D4D). johanna.deperi@unibs.it

Panos Desyllas
Associate Professor of Strategy, University of Bath School of Management (UK)
Panos Desyllas (PhD Cambridge) is an Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Bath, School of Management and Vice President Research Funding of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). Previously he was the Director of the Bath PhD Programme and held academic posts at Cambridge University’s Centre for Business Research, Oxford University’s Said Business School and the Alliance Manchester Business School. Panos has published on M&As and innovation in journals such as Research Policy, British Journal of Management, Strategic Organization, Long Range Planning, and Cambridge Journal of Economics. He is co-chairing EURAM’S track on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) and sits on ESRC’s Peer Review College and the editorial boards of Long Range Planning and International Business Review.

Ana Sniazhana Diduc
Lecturer, University of Vaasa (Finland)
The main area of Sniazhana's interest and expertise is mergers and acquisitions, change and uncertainty management. Her research has led her to a number of different prestigious awards, fellowships and grant funding. She has been able to effectively communicate her results internally across departments, as well as nationally and internationally at conferences. She gets motivated when collaborating with industry partners to apply the results of research and develop new techniques.

Consuelo Dolz
Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Valencia (Spain).
Prof. Dr. Consuelo Dolz-Dolz is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Valencia (Spain). Her research has been focused on Mergers and Acquisitions, ambidexterity at SMEs, Family Firms, and Social Corporate Responsibility. She has published on these topics in several international academic journals and books, such as Long Range planning, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Business Research Quarterly or Management Research.

Muriel Durand
Associate Professor of Intercultural Management, EM Normandie Business School (France).
Muriel Durand is Associate Professor in Intercultural Management and Academic Director of the Doctorate in Business & Administration program at EM Normandie Business School. She has a background as a cognitive and industrial psychologist and holds a PhD in International Business & Social Sciences from Aarhus University, Denmark. Prior to pursuing an academic career, she worked as a consultant& trainer in cross cultural management. Her research interest focuses on the effects of the perception of cultural differences on managerial work-related attitudes in cross border mergers & acquisitions.
Emanuel Gomes
Professor of Strategy and International Business, Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal)
Emanuel Gomes is an Associate Professor at Universidade Nova, Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal). His research interest is in the areas of international mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, strategic agility, product service innovation, and firm internationalisation, particularly in the African context. He is the Regional Editor (Africa) for the Journal of Knowledge Management. He is the author of several papers published in international refereed journals including the Journal of World Business, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Long Range Planning, International Business Review, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Human Resource Management Review, R&D Management. He is a member of the Mergers and Acquisitions Research Interest Committee of the EuroMed Research Business Institute.

Gilles Guieu
Professor in Management Science, Aix Marseille University - CRET-LOG (France)
Gilles Guieu is a full professor in strategic management, entrepreneurship and organization theory at IUT Aix-Marseille and Cret-Log (Aix-Marseille University, France). His current topics are inter-organizational strategies, entrepreneurship and small business hyper-growth. He recently published – with colleagues – papers on post-merger processes (European Business Review, Management Decision, Revue Française de Gestion), and on entrepreneurial and growth processes (Journal of Knowledge Management, Revue Française de Gestion, Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, Management International, Journal of International Entrepreneurship). He associates qualitative and quantitative methods – including bibliometrics – in his research projects. ​

Valentina Fani
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Valentina Fani is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the School of Business and Economics at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. She obtained a Ph.D. in Management at HEC Lausanne, Switzerland in 2021. Her research interests center on strategic issues related to the competitive and regulative environments surrounding Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) focusing on three growing and increasingly important categories of M&As: international deals, acquisitions of new ventures, and anti-competitive deals. v.fani@vu.nl

Yves-Martin Felker
Assistant Professor in Management, California State University (US)
Yves-Martin Felker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at California State University, Los Angeles. His research focuses on CEO personality, merger and acquisition (M&A) integration, and performance. Before joining academia, he worked as an alliance manager developing strategic alliances between universities and corporates in German. Felker received his bachelor’s degree in finance and master’s degree in German Mittelstand management from the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern and his Ph.D. degree in management from Lancaster University Management School.

Russell Fralich
Associate Professor of Strategy, HEC Montreal (Canada)
Russell Fralich is Associate Professor of Strategy at HEC Montreal. His research examines how social judgments and early life experiences of executives affect the quality of their strategic choices, their behavior, and the performance of their organizations. His research is supported by a research grant from SSHRC. Before switching his career path to academia, he worked in the aerospace and telecommunications industries in a wide range of engineering and management roles. He is also a published thriller author, and a volunteer to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) in his local community. russell.fralich@hec.ca

Shaowei He
Shaowei He joined the University of Northampton in 2008 after obtaining his PhD in Economic Development from the University of Birmingham. His research interests cross the boundaries of international business, economic geography and innovation studies. His research focuses on the internationalisation of the Chinese MNEs and its impact on clusters and businesses in both China and overseas. Shaowei is Visiting Professor of Jianghan University of China. Shaowei was the Research and Enterprise Lead for the Faculty of Business and Law between 2021 and 2023. He led the China and Emerging Economies Centre as its Director between 2016 and 2022 during which he developed the centre to be a cross-country collaboration platform. He has advised businesses such as Silverstone Circuits Ltd. and Moles Solutions. In 2016 he was appointed Ambassador for International Exchange by the Hunan Provincial Government of China. Shaowei.He@northampton.ac.uk
Professor of International Business, University of Northampton (UK)

Koen Heimeriks
Professor of Strategy, Warwick Business School (UK)
Koen Heimeriks is Professor of Strategy at Warwick Business School. Previously, he held faculty positions at Copenhagen Business School, Rotterdam School of Management, and Tilburg University and has been visiting at Aalto, Carnegie Mellon University, and INSEAD.
He also acts as Program Chair for the Strategic Process Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society. Besides his research, he trains, consults for, and works with senior executives and board members at publicly listed and large private (equity) firms operating in volatile setting. koen.heimeriks@wbs.ac.uk

Huma Javaid
Research Associate, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester (UK)
Huma Javaid is a Research Associate at Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. Her research interests focus on corporate growth strategies, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), alliances and corporate venture capital in technology firms. The central emphasis of her research is how technology firms fill resource gaps where the main modes of corporate development include alliances, corporate venture capital and acquisitions which provide access to complementary resources.

Dimitrija Kalanoski
Assistant Professor, Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester (UK)
Dr. Dimitrija Kalanoski is an Assistant Professor of International Business & Strategy at Alliance Manchester Business School – University of Manchester (United Kingdom). His research examines how firm’s market and nonmarket competitive initiatives allow firms to outcompete their rivals in diverse and dynamic competitive environments. His research has won numerous awards and has been published in leading academic journals such as Management Science, Long Range Planning, Environmental Research Letters, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).

Güldem Karamustafa-Köse
Researcher, HEC University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

Oleksandra Kochura
Assistant Professor, ESSCA School of Management (France)
Oleksandra Kochura holds a PhD in Management Science from the University of Toulouse Capitole and is currently an Assistant Professor at the ESSCA School of Management. Her research interests lie in studying corporate divestitures, organizational separation and de-internationalization decisions and processes. Her research also covers the interrelationships between acquisitions, inter-organizational relationships and corporate divestitures, such as sell-offs, spin-offs or equity carve-outs. Oleksandra also serves as a project coordinator and affiliate member at the European M&A Institute. oleksandra.kochura@essca.fr

David Kroon
Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
David Kroon is Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization at the School of Business and Economics of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He studies M&As with a particular emphasis on identity change, justice perceptions, cultural differences, communication, language, emotions, and trust. David’s work has been published in academic journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Management International Review, and Group & Organization Management. He also wrote several book chapters which are published by Routledge, Oxford University Press, and Emerald Group. David is co-chairing a standing track on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) at the European Academy of Management and is currently a Guest Editor of a Special Issue on M&As in Long Range Planning.
Diana Kwok
Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, IAE Aix-Marseille Université (France)
Tomi Laamanen
Professor of Strategic Management, University St Gallen (Switzerland)
Tomi Laamanen is a Director at the Institute of Management. His research focuses on the factors involved in the success of acquisition programs, strategy processes, the handling of strategic issues and sequences, management cognition, and strategy implementation. The findings from these research projects have been published in leading international journals, for which he also serves as a reviewer and editor.
Randi Lunnan
Professor Chair - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, BI Norwegian Business School (Norway)
Randi Lunnan’s research interest is strategic alliances, particularly how they develop over time, and international management where I have looked into headquarter activities.

Anna Lupina-Wegener
Professor of Intercultural Management, ZHAW School of Management and Law (Switzerland)
Prof. Dr. Anna Lupina-Wegener is a Professor of International Management and Organizational Behaviour and Head of the Centre for Culture and Creativity in International Business at ZHAW, School of Management and Law. She examines socio-cultural integration in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and internationalization processes in various cultural contexts, such as Brazil, China, Mexico, Poland and Russia. Her research was published in leading academic journals and was financed through external research grants (e.g., Interreg, SNSF, Cheque d’Innovation, Bourse d’Exellence, Leading House Asia).

Olimpia Meglio
Associate professor of Management, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
Olimpia Meglio (Ph.D in Business administration) is currently associate professor at the University of Naples Federico II. Her research is primarily focused on digging deep into strategic and organizational processes. Olimpia has extensively investigated how companies grow and mergers and acquisitions in particular. Substantive issues include both enduring and emerging topics, such as acquisition performance, family business restructuring or contextual ambidexterity. Her works are regularly presented at international venues and pub lished in renowned international journals, such as Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Project Management, Human Resource Management, or R&D Management, or in international edited volumes, all double-blind reviewed.

Louis Mulotte
Associate Professor of Management, Tilburg University (The Netherlands)

Nuno Oliveira
Assistant Professor of Organization Studies, Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
Nuno Oliveira (PhD, London School of Economics) is an Assistant Professor of Organization Studies at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). His award-winning research focuses on problems of organizing between organizations (e.g., adaptation and coordination). His research has been published in the Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Organization Science, and Sociological Methods & Research.

Christina Öberg
Professor of Business Administration, Karlstad University / The Ratio Institute (Sweden)
Christina Öberg is Professor in Business Administration at Karlstad University, and associated with the Ratio Institute, Stockholm. She has an industry background with leading positions in finance. She obtained her PhD in 2008, became an associate professor in 2012 and a full professor in 2014. She has been a visiting researcher at Harvard University, University of Florence, Stanford University, University of Exeter, University of Manchester, and University of Bath, among others. Her research interests include mergers, customer relationships, innovations and business modelling. She has published in such journals as Journal of Business Research, Production Planning & Control, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Information Technology & People, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review, and Industrial Marketing Management.

Kathleen Park
Assistant Professor of Administrative Sciences, Boston University (US)
Kathleen Park is an Assistant Professor of Administrative Sciences, with specializations in strategic and international management and the management of innovation and technology in the MET Department of Administrative Sciences at Boston University. She earned her PhD from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Her research interests are at the intersection of innovation, internationalization through mergers and acquisitions, global strategy, emerging markets, leadership, management and entrepreneurial teams, corporate governance, and both corporate and individual-level billionaire philanthropy. She was a BU MET Chadwick Fellow and is currently a BU Global Development Policy Center Fellow as well as a People, Cultures and Careers affiliate at James Cook University, Singapore.

Taco Reus
Professor in Global Strategy, Rotterdam School of Management (The Netherlands)
Taco Reus is Professor of Global Strategy at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research focuses on the curious psychology behind mergers and acquisitions, such as the roles of personality, biases, emotion, procedural justice, and experience in the formation and implementation of acquisitions. Taco's work aims to understand what individual, organizational and national characteristics help or hinder executives and their firms navigate through the global business landscape for example through cross-border acquisitions. His research is published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal and the Journal of International Business Studies.
Svante Schriber
Professor of Professor of Business administration, University of Stockholm (Sweden)
Svante Schriber is a Professor of Management at Stockholm Business School. He earned his PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics after a career as management consultant. His takes a broad interest in strategy and acquisitions. In particular, his research aims to illuminate issues such as: How can acquirers select targets to increase competitiveness? How can competitive retaliation to acquisitions be predicted and avoided? How can integration be managed to realize synergies?​

Lars Schweizer
Professor of Strategic Management, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Lars Schweizer holds the Chair of Strategic Management at Goethe University Frankfurt. He acts as the Academic Director of the Master of Pharma Business Administration at Goethe Business School. His main research interests are Strategic Management and in particular M&A. His publications appeared among others in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management, as well as Industrial and Corporate Change.

Norbert Steigenberger
Professor in Entrepreneurship, Umea University (Sweden)
Norbert Steigenberger is a Professor in Entrepreneurship at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden. He previously held positions at Jönköping International Business School, the University of Cologne and Chemnitz Technical University. Norbert works on post-merger integration, on digital phenomena in entrepreneurship as well as on high-reliability organizations. His work has been published in journals such as Organization Science, Organization Studies, and Human Relations.
Andreas Strobl
Senior Lecturer in International Strategy, Lancaster University School of Management (UK)
Dr Andreas Strobl is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Lancaster University Management School. His research, teaching and consulting activities focus on Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership. Andreas’ research has appeared in journals like Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning, Group & Organization Management and R&D Management.

Satu Teerikangas
Professor of Management and Organization, Turku School of Economics (Finland)
Dr. Sc. Satu Teerikangas is Professor of Management and Organization at Turku School of Economics as well as Honorary Professor at University College London. Before an academic career, Satu worked with Shell in the Netherlands and the UK in management consulting and HR roles. In the remit of M&As, Satu’s has focused on the sociocultural dynamics of M&As, including the role of culture on M&A performance and the dynamics of cultural change. She is also interested in how the management of M&As bears on acquisition performance. She is editor of the Handbook of Mergers & Acquisitions by Oxford University Press.

Ioannis Thanos
Assistant Professor of Management, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
Ioannis Thanos is Assistant Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece. Previously, he worked in the UK as Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management and PhD Director at Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster University and as Lecturer in Management at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. He has published in journals including: British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Strategic Organization, International Small Business Journal, International Business Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, European Management Journal, Journal of Strategy and Management, Journal of General Management, Strategic Change, M@n@gement.​
Anne Sophie Thelisson
Associate Professor of Strategic Management, ESDES (France)
Anne-Sophie Thelisson is Assistant Professor at ESDES Business School – Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy). She holds a PhD in Management Science (2017, Aix-Marseille University). Her current research interests are related to strategy and organizational change. She works mainly on the integration process of mergers and acquisitions and has published several articles on this topic in journals as European Business Review, International Review of Administrative Sciences and Revue Française de Gestion.

Mark Thomas
Associate Dean for Programmes, ICN Business School (France, Germany)
Dr. Mark Thomas is Associate Dean for Programmes at ICN Business School (Paris – Nancy – Berlin). He completed his PhD at Lancaster University, UK and is an alumnus of Harvard Business School. His research focuses primarily on mergers and acquisitions, strategic growth and change management. He has published more that 40 articles, book chapters and monographs. He has taught Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management and Leadership at PhD, Master, Executive Education and PhD levels. He has worked extensively with multinationals (including Fortune 500 & CAC 40) as well as small and medium sized companies particularly in the high tech, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, aviation, and non-profit industries. His consulting work has assisted more than 30 organizations in their strategic growth, international development, accreditation processes and expansion through mergers and acquisitions. mark.thomas@icn-artem.com

Eero Vaara
Professor in Organisation and Impact, University of Oxford (UK)
Eero’s research focuses on organisational and strategic change. He is a world leading expert in discursive and narrative perspectives. Eero’s work deals with strategy process and practice research, studies of radical change such as mergers and acquisitions, work on institutional change and legitimation, and research on multinational corporations, nationalism and globalisation. Eero combines practically relevant topics such as strategy work and management of postmerger integration with deep theoretical and methodological reflection on organisational and strategic processes and practices.​

Philippe Very
Professor of Strategic Management, EDHEC (France)
Philippe Very is Professor of strategy and Head of the faculty « strategy, entrepreneurship and operations » at Edhec Business School, France. He is also "Robert Reynolds Distinguished Lecturer" at the University of Colorado at Denver, USA. He is the author of many articles in Rank-A academic journals, of 10 books and intervene regularly in the media. He is currently president of Atlas AFMI (French-speaking Academy of International Management) after having acted as President of the French Academy of Management (AIMS) in 2009-2010. His main research topics are mergers and acquisitions, internationalization strategies and the management of criminal risks.

Xena Welch Guerra
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (The Netherlands)
Xena Welch is Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She completed her PhD at the University of St.Gallen and was a visiting scholar at INSEAD Singapore and the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. Her research focusses on Corporate and Behavioral Strategy, with particular emphasis on Mergers and Acquisitions. Drawing on different data sources and both quantitative and qualitative methods, her current work examines different facets of M&A decision-making, the role of the corporate M&A department, and the implementation of serial acquisition strategies. She serves as rep-at-large for the Corporate Strategy interest group at the Strategic Management Society and as a editorial board member for Long Range Planning. welch@rsm.nl
eM&Ai Affiliate PhD Candidates

Taiwo Aderogba
PhD Candidate at Toulouse School of Management (France)
Taiwo is a PhD candidate in Strategy at Toulouse School of Management, Université Toulouse Capitole. His research focuses on stakeholder inclusivity in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A).

Dang-Huy Cao
PhD Candidate at Toulouse School of Management (France)
Dang-Huy Cao is a PhD candidate in Strategy at Toulouse School of Management, Université Toulouse Capitole. His research focuses on Strategy-as-Practice and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), looking at how first-line managers (FLMs) strategize in their daily activities during the post-acquisition integration process.
Joao Pedro Delgado
PhD Candidate at Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal)

Jana Herbig
PhD Candidate at Toulouse School of Management (France)
Jana Herbig is a PhD candidate in Strategy and International Management at Toulouse School of Management, Université Toulouse Capitole. Her research focuses on mergers and acquisitions and she is particularly interested in learning from acquisition experience.

Ieva Poderiene
PhD Candidate at ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Ieva Poderiene is a PhD candidate in Management at ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania. Ieva is holding a Master degree in Economics of Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius and a Master degree in Business Management of ISM University.
Ieva has been working as CFO in several organization and had several M&A processes held. Due to problematics of M&A faced in the professional life, she decided to find answers in academia and her research topic is “Corporate life cycle effect on corporate governance towards value creation in post-merger integration” supervised by Prof. ValdonÄ— DarškuvienÄ—.

Thomas Starck
PhD Candidate at University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Thomas Starck is a PhD student at the University of St.Gallen and currently conducting research on the impact of financial advisors in M&A. thomas.starck@unisg.ch

Sandro Zarcone
PhD Candidate at Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Sandro Zarcone is an executive Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering of Politecnico of Milan. Sponsored by Fedrigoni Group, a leading player in the market for premium papers and solutions for self-adhesive materials, he is specializing in Collaborative Management Research (CMR) methodologies to investigate the process of business transformation that follows M&A operations. sandro.zarcone@polimi.it
eM&Ai PhD Graduates

Nour Ghaddar
PhD Graduate from Toulouse School of Management (France)
PhD Graduate from Toulouse School of Management (France)

Yoeri Klok
Manager - Aalberts (The Netherlands)

Oleksandra Kochura
Assistant Professor, ESSCA School of Management (France)

Thi Nguyen
PhD Graduate from Toulouse School of Management (France)
PhD Graduate from Toulouse School of Management (France)

Timo Paumen
Project Manager - M&A, REWE Group (Germany)

David Santana Corchuelo
Digitalization Consultant & Sales - smartmerger.com (Spain)

Yueling Zhou
Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Want to join? Contact us!
​To enlarge and enrich our research activities we are always looking forward to meeting new research partners (companies, institutions, researchers, Master and PhD students…). If your are interested to join eM&Ai, simply contact us: contact@european-ma-institute.org.